Microsoft Azure cloud migration: 3 success stories


Learn from 3 #Microsoft customer success stories to understand how to make a valid business plan for your cloud migration from on-premise software to #Azure. Check out this article from #Infoworld:

Microsoft Azure cloud migration: 3 success stories2021-03-23T17:33:38+00:00

Fraud Losses in 2019 Topped $1.9B, FTC Reports


Fraud is ubiquitous and only increasing. Early reports from 2020 document a full 3% rise since 2018. #MSDyn365 is here to help with a world-class fraud protection platform that safeguards over 1 billion transactions for #Microsoft.

Fraud Losses in 2019 Topped $1.9B, FTC Reports2021-03-23T00:17:32+00:00

Descartes migrates to Azure SQL Database for growth and flexibility


Discover how @MicrosoftAzure helps #DescartesSG keep goods flowing smoothly for businesses. Watch this video to learn more about this global leader in logistics and supply chain solutions, and how #Azure provided them with better uptime and performance:

Descartes migrates to Azure SQL Database for growth and flexibility2021-03-22T21:29:06+00:00

Use popular frameworks like .NET, Java, Ruby, PHP, or Python to build and deploy with Microsoft App Service​


Modernize .NET enables migration and development flexibility that serves your company's needs. With @Microsoft, use the framework you prefer to write apps that will transform your business. Subscribe now to learn more.

Use popular frameworks like .NET, Java, Ruby, PHP, or Python to build and deploy with Microsoft App Service​2021-03-16T17:19:57+00:00